Tag Archives: bargain tarot

2023 ~ 9-Part Birth-Placing Identity Tarot Activators

2023 ~ 9-Part Birth-Placing Identity Tarot Activators

The Architecture of Well Being


Tarot in the Land of Mystereum Suggest

to birth and further incorporate your discoveries using your down-to-earth-spirit as a cornerstone in life to brace the natural voice to live as the marrow of the matter in your actions. 

Incorporate your celestial groove to naturally intensify your way and raise up your strong balance to new levels.

Energize the heart of the matter as you explore your core with Tarot Birth Cards. Further, nourish your marrow of the matter!

~ Don’t know your Tarot Birth Cards?  

Click here to use The Tarot School’s Birth Card Calculator.

Each Birth Card Grouping link will take you to perspectives of your Birth Cards that you can further craft to fuel your 2023.

How will you:

  • use your Birth Cards to inspect your expectations?
  • see past the blind spot mirages that your expectations produce?
  • fuel 2023 with the more natural octane of You?

1  XIX Sun ~ X Wheel ~ I Magician

How does your innate and developed identity cycle your magic to pull more Water of Life out of thin air like Aquarius, The Water Bearer?

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2  XX Judgment ~ XI Justice ~ II High Priestess

How do you resurrect wonderful inner gold from the past to marry your head with your heart and gut and give form to the formlessness by building down FROM your dreams to continually make them generative realities in your life? How, like a Taurus, are you unshakable and firm in how you place yourself?

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3  XXI World ~ III Empress ~ XII Hanged Man

What are the most majestic qualities you have that emanate from your Creative Wellspring, your Yoniverse from which everything emanates, that both nourish you to be both afloat in clarity and live with the marrow of the matter like the structure of the ocean does? How do Mars and Pallas-Athena (aka Minerva) keep your Piscean, oceanic waters fresh with living strategies?

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4  XIII Death ~ IV Emperor

What are the most key transformation drives you have that you work with to nourish and nurture how you dwell, how you make place, how and what you naturally integrate into your concept of home? Think about a Centaur and how that uniquely complete being stands on the ground and moves through life. Yes, Centaurs and Sagittarius more often lives in XIV Temperance, though when here, think of your allies. A human torso seamlessly segued with a horse body? The Centaur has two hearts, and two minds. What?! Two minds? Yup, there is of course the one in the head. Where’s the second one? It is the very earth the Centaur stands on, a Gaia Mind. How do you connect with the ally that is you while you connect with larger and smaller forces to get the job done? The Emperor here is not listening in for fumes of betrayal wafting through the background conversation. The Emperor has put down his sword and crown. His horse has set down to become the World Tree he resides within. He is not checking for betrayal. He is touching base to check on the health of the empire. Like the Centaur, how is the very ground you walk on as inspirational as the stars in your sky? I suggest to pull your 4 of Pentacles as a DNA strand to explore this in more detail. See the 4 people in the background? What? You only see 3? Ahh, yup, that’s valid. Until of course you see the 3 as a group with the spaces within and around them that composes the 4th.

How is the very ground you walk on as inspirational as the stars in your sky?

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5  XIV Temperance ~ V Hierophant

How do you magically mix living forces within and about throughout your life?

How does your down-to-earth-spirit keep you grounded enough to fly as high as your roots go deep?

Like a volcano ~

Its head lives in the clouds

as it continually makes and remakes new lands with heart right here,

its feet firmly planted in the abyss.

Here, feel into the volcano at first more than the Astrological aspects of Pluto, Saturn, and Uranus.

What’s the marrow of the matter in your life?

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6  XV Devil ~ VI Lovers

How comfortable are you with the intensity of your earthly desires?

Is addiction actually a cover stone for pesky inhibitions that sneak around like creepy crawlies under a rock within you? Suggest to not try and fill closed vessels. Inhibitions enslave as easily as excesses, if not even being their blind spot source. There is a subtlety and nuanced quality to the things you pour. Rather than waste not want not, feel into how Capricorn and Venus come together to birth your Growth Principles. Together, they might compose the Individuation Planet, aka Uranus.

How does Uranus factor into as the marrow of your matter, your living structure without stricture?

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7  XVI Tower ~ VII Chariot

How do you not waste trouble when life throws you world-altering curve balls? How do you lean into the dissonance of those kinds of times to make them World ALTARing? Understand what is toxic, though understand toxic things as not being standalone. Gasoline is toxic. Gasoline is toxic unless you put in the tank of a vehicle and start the engine and go VROOM and take yourself places as you utilize its intensity by harnessing opposing forces in their dance when you dwell them together in wonderful, alchemical vessels. How can you live with more Both~And with Dignity in Difference in your life? No reason to take on other peoples’ stuff. Allow it to fill the vessel between you, have it on the table and drain it as necessary while you work together to mine the golden nuggets hidden there. No reason to work with everything on the table. Pick your poisons your way. Poison is simply too much of anything. Further, I see that as too much of a lack of connectivity which leads to withholding from yourself and others. That is isolation and loneliness rather than solitude, together.

How can you more fully embrace and gold-pan trouble by safely leaning into dissonance when it is present? You aren’t responsible to fix everything. Though, when you provide a safe environment for things and people to iron out their own kinks, with a little help here and there, you tend to start a process of natural nourishment for your environment both inside and out.

How and what do you gold-pan in your life? What do you want to gold-pan? Now’s always the time. Life is what passes you by while you’re too busy making plans. Plan like you might on a road trip where you adjust your navigation as required, and have no fear of U-turns. Control is a fiction. Navigation is present whether you smoke Hope on the couch or get in there inside and out there in your world and do something about it. What do you want to do something about?

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8  XVII Star ~ VIII Strength

How are your natural, inner animal voice and your celestial groove connected to Nature? How do you dance them together? Play a little Gemini game. Dance how deeply you listening and connected you are when you speak to inform your intuition. How does this enhance and engage a more robust education and re-education of your intentions as they directly live in your actions? I’ll suggest to look into Pluto and Scorpio and the 8th House in your Birth Chart. Maybe add in:

  • Moira #638 who I see as Inner Rhythm in contrast to Saturn’s (Chronos) chronological time
  • Poesia #946 who I see as the poetry in motion of your natural ways
  • Hygeia #10 who I see as Well Being

What are new challenges to explore in your Life Sandbox with these 3 Astro bodies discovered in your Chart?

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9  XVIII Moon ~ IX Hermit

Ahhh, and we arrive at the seismic waves within of the Moon ~ Hermit combo. What are the plate tectonics of how your inner structures activate, are engaged, slip and fall and renew, and move in and out of deeply resonate new ways for you? And more, how are new ways wonderfully recreations of your continually developing, natural way?

What inspires you deeply from unseen sources?

What moves you inside to tune your clarity of vision from a loose flame to a blowtorch tool?

How can you more fully and robustly and simply BE as the Moon is with the ocean, as the Hermit is with your inner world? What navigation tools can you enhance when your inner oceans, your outer seas, and your intuitions are naturally put into actions over time?

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Oh, and 2023 is 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 7. It’s a Tower ~ Chariot Year. May they orbit this year as a Fixed Binary Star Couple in your sky to always give you a cornerstone to brace your navigation.

I hope you get some useful stuffstance for 2023 from these Birth Card Groupings and short snippets.

May they provide some catalysts for you to chew on for more of

Your Life, Your Way this year.


The Tarot School has a Birth Card Calculator where you can enter your birth date to determine your Tarot Birth Cards.

Or, have some fun and calculate your Birth Cards yourself:

Or, have fun adding your birth month + birthday + birth year until they reduce to a number that is 21 or less (21 Major Arcana cards + the 22nd as The Fool not included)
Example: December 4, 1967 = 12 + 4 + 1967 = Add 12 and 4 to equal 16, and then add 16 to 1967 = 1983. Then make 1983 = 1 + 9 + 8 + 3 = 21. 21 is XXI The World card.  And, then 21 = 2 + 1 = 3 which equals III The Empress.  So, the Birth Cards for this date are World ~ Empress, or World ~ Empress ~ Hanged Man. Did you know that some say that The Hanged Man is the Empress’ son? I rather resonate with that.


12 + 4 = 16 and 16 = 1 + 6 = 7, and 1967 = 1 + 9 + 6 + 7 =23, and 2 + 3 = 5 added back to the 7 .from 16… 5 + 7 = 12 = XII The Hanged Man, so the Birth Cards = Hanged Man ~ Empress.
Note: XXI or 21 The World. 2 + 1 = 3.  XII or 12 The Hanged Man. 1 + 2 = 3.  And, III or 3 The Empress = 3.
World ~ Empress Birth Card combo.  Hanged Man ~ Empress Birth Card combo


The Body Electric Tarot Spread. (c) 2012 Jordan Hoggard

~ Like iTunes to play with your cards ~

These eSpreads are great for Tarot and Oracle decks and Runes and Crystals alike. You can get the whole set of these 78 spreads in the 103-page ImaginAction downloadable PDF eBook. Click here. More useful gifts for yourself and those close to you are also available at the SandboxPsyche shop.

Birth Card Grouping Links:


P.S. You may also enjoy these three blog articles:

Tarot Psychology, Sequencing Individuation    .~.   Stress Is Not the Issue    .~.   The Parts Sandbox

Blog (c) 2023 Jordan Hoggard

Tarot in the Land of Mystereum images (c) 2011 Jordan Hoggard

Watercolor Artwork (c) 1995 Jordan Hoggard

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Posted by on January 1, 2023 in The Mystery


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The 9-Part Birth-Placing Identity with Tarot Series

Tarot in the Land of Mystereum suggests…

Birth and incorporate your discoveries using your down-to-earth-spirit to brace your natural voice against.  Rise up with your strong balance with your celestial groove incorporated!

Energize the heart of the matter, explore your core with Tarot Birth Cards!

~ Don’t know your Tarot Birth Cards?  

Click here to use The Tarot School’s Birth Card Calculator.

1  XIX Sun ~ X Wheel ~ I Magician

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2  XX Judgment ~ XI Justice ~ II High Priestess

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3  XXI World ~ III Empress ~ XII Hanged Man

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4  XIII Death ~ IV Emperor

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5  XIV Temperance ~ V Hierophant

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6  XV Devil ~ VI Lovers

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7  XVI Tower ~ VII Chariot

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8  XVII Star ~ VIII Strength

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9  XVIII Moon ~ IX Hermit

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Hope you get some useful info from your Birth Card Grouping


The Tarot School has a Birth Card Calculator where you can enter your birth date to determine your Tarot Birth Cards.

Having fun calculating your Birth Cards yourself:

Or, have fun adding your birth month + birthday + birth year until they reduce to a number that is 21 or less (21 Major Arcana cards + the 22nd as The Fool not included)
Example: December 4, 1967 = 12 + 4 + 1967 = Add 12 and 4 to equal 16, and then add 16 to 1967 = 1983. Then make 1983 = 1 + 9 + 8 + 3 = 21. 21 is XXI The World card.  And, then 21 = 2 + 1 = 3 which equals III The Empress.  So, the Birth Cards for this date are World ~ Empress.


12 + 4 = 16 and 16 = 1 + 6 = 7, and 1967 = 1 + 9 + 6 + 7 =23, and 2 + 3 = 5 added back to the 7 .from 16… 5 + 7 = 12 = XII The Hanged Man, so the Birth Cards = Hanged Man ~ Empress.
Note: XXI or 21 The World. 2 + 1 = 3.  XII or 12 The Hanged Man. 1 + 2 = 3.  And, III or 3 The Empress = 3.
World ~ Empress Birth Card combo.  Hanged Man ~ Empress Birth Card combo


The Body Electric Tarot Spread. (c) 2012 Jordan Hoggard


~ Like iTunes to play with your cards ~

These eSpreads are great for Tarot and Oracle decks and Runes and Crystals alike.



Buy me a coffeeBuy me a coffee

video and images  (c) 2011, 2012  J. Jordan Hoggard

Blog (C) 2013 Jordan Hoggard, Artwork (c) 1995 Jordan Hoggard

Jordan’s Shop Supports This Blog. Check out the great eStocking Stuffers to add that special flourish of visual music for the eyes and the soul to complement your gifting.


Which music-for-your-eyes eProducts from the Shop do you give this year? 

Blog (c) 2020 Jordan Hoggard

ImaginAction (c) 2008 – 2020 Jordan Hoggard


Posted by on August 11, 2013 in The Mystery


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Tarot, Knight of Wands, and Awakening

The Knight of Wands from Tarot in the Land of Mystereum says…

“Birth and incorporate your discoveries using your down-to-earth-spirit to brace your natural voice against.  Rise up with your strong balance with your celestial groove incorporated!”

unfamiliar actions, strangely highlighted energies in feelings, awakening, emerging anew regally

unfamiliar actions, strangely highlighted energies in feelings, awakening, emerging anew regally

Spiritually strengthened through and through may you awaken into the newly balanced you.  Appear and come forth from deep and dark places and bring your celestial light to Your Royal Court.

Like the Knight in the card using the tip of the wand as an egg-tooth, cracking the house, cracking the chrysalis of the egg… Remember, this cracking is not hard-to-mend damage.  It is… Awakening!

Energize the heart of the matter with the Knight of Wands and grow from your core (not the edges)!

Happy Tuesday from Mystereum!



Get your weekly TarotScope for July 28th to August 3rd here.


The Tarot Bargain of the Century!

The 78 Life Mapping Spread Collection. 78 original spreads with original artwork for $7.80 USD.

Here’s a free sample from the 78 Life Mapping Spread Collection bargain of the century.

The Body Electric Tarot Spread. (c) 2012 Jordan Hoggard

Original Tarot Spreads Bargain of the Century!

Like iTunes to play your cards

These eSpreads are great for Tarot and Oracle decks and Runes and Crystals alike.

$0.99 USD for one, like a single.

And, the Bargain of the Century…

All 78 for $7.80 USD!!  

Really!  $7.80 for all 78.  No typo there,

10c USD each when you get all 78!

Visit The Divination Studio to get your set of 78 original spreads inspired by original artwork. Creative and evocative questions to enhance your Tarot experience!

Here’s another sample!

The Breath As Prayer Tarot Spread. (c) 2012 Jordan Hoggard



Order and have your 78 Life Mapping Spread Collection emailed today.


Posted by on July 30, 2013 in The Mystery


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Tarot, 3 of Cups, and Laughter

The 3 of Cups in Tarot in the Land of Mystereum says…

satisfaction, heart's desire, expressions, celebration

satisfaction, heart’s desire, expressions, celebration

“Celebrate in your imagination.  Celebrate your imagination.  Celebrate with your imagination.  We find that it has a tendency to burst out in smiles and songs when we dance!”

And, if you’re REALLY down and none of those things work, gig your groove and kick your rut not your butt and try this…

Say a word like “elevator” a bunch of times until it no longer makes ssense.  Ahh, keep going, say it some more.  Soon you will start laughing as you will hear yourself like you are only making caveman noises. 😉  Them, revisit what you were doing before with laughingly fresh eyes.

Happy Monday from Mystereum!



Here’s a free sample from the 78 Life Mapping Spread Collection bargain of the century.

The Body Electric Tarot Spread. (c) 2012 Jordan Hoggard

Original Tarot Spreads Bargain of the Century!

Like iTunes to play your cards

These 78 eSpreads in easy to use jpeg format are great for Tarot and Oracle decks and Runes and Crystals alike.

They’re the Tarot Bargain of the Century…

~ Testimonial ~

“The artwork alone will take you places!…and the questions build sanctuaries for intrepid inner travels. They’re tons of fun and easy to use, too!  They make self development and inner work simple, and the results are not simple at all.  I feel like I have an extra fuel tank for life now!” ~ Abby B.

All 78 for $7.80 USD!!  

Really!  $7.80 for all 78.  No typo there, 10c USD each when you get all 78!

Simply visit The Divination Studio and look for the PayPal button on the right sidebar.

Ok, here’s another sample.

The Breath As Prayer Tarot Spread. (c) 2012 Jordan Hoggard

Original Tarot Spreads Bargain of the Century!

Like iTunes to play your cards.  Get your set today!



Spreads included in your 78 Life Mapping eSpreads Collection


001 Personal Compass Spread Spread
002 Daily Mainstay Spread
003 What Rules Your Day Spread
004 The Face of the Rose Hip Spread
005 The Hermit’s Eye Spread
006 Heart Reach Spread
007 The Dive Rising Spread
008 Breath As Prayer Spread
009 Spiracle Miracle Spread
010 Water Of Grace Spread
011 Mercurial Ground Spread
012 Resonant Ancestors Spread
013 Royal Reciprocality Spread
014 Sacred Dance Crucible Spread
015 Inner Communion Spread
016 Roost Ruler Spread
017 Present State Spread
018 Sacred Adornment Spread
019 Expansive Life Spread
020 Clarity of Vision Spread
021 Personal Glyphing Spread
022 Your emaNation Spread
023 Inner Orbits Spread
024 Passion Flower Spread
025 Psychic Meteorology Spread
026 Native Glyph Spread
027 Your Nuclear Power Spread
028 Inner Art Spread
029 Whole Self In A Seed Spread
030 Magical Twilight Spread
031 Mode Of Being Spread
032 Improv(e) Grace Spread
033 TarOstara Twilight Bridge of the Psychic Synapse Spread
034 PsychOptics Spread
035 Inner Weatherperson Spread
036 Keystone Spread
037 Sacred Root Spread
038 Idea Enhancer Spread
039 Inner Astronaut Spread
040 Measure of Man Spread
041 Eschers Eye Spread
042 Inner Emerald Tablet Spread
043 Cosmic Butterfly Spread
044 Living Fires Spread
045 The Priestess’ Eye Spread
046 Idea Solar System Spread
047 Frankenstein Mechanic Spread
048 Kelping Body Spread
049 Powerful Limits Spread
050 Aerial Insight Spread
051 Under Pressure Spread
052 Constantin Brancusi Spread
053 Segue Synchromesh Spread
054 RootWing Spread
055 As Above So Below Spread
056 Engaging Ur Uraeus Spread
057 Mom n Pop Spread
058 Seed Of Potential Spread
059 Make A Splash Spread
060 Enhancing Established Spread
061 Cosmic Crater Spread
062 Sacred Document Spread
063 Outer Spacing Inner Spread
064 New Worlds Spread
065 Body Electric Spread
066 As The Gargoyles Sleep Spread
Life Elements Family of 4
067 Wands, Fire of Life Spread
068 Water of Life Spread
069 Swords, Air of Life Spread
070 Earth of Life Spread
Aces Four Potential Family of 4
071 Pentacles, Foundation Creation Spread
072 Cups, Cup of Life Spread
073 Wands, Sacred Staff Spread
074 Swords, Dream As Focus Spread
Twos To Pair Family of 4
075 Pentacles, The Atman Spread
076 Cups, Nourishing Thought Spread
077 Wands, Waving The Wand Spread
078 Swords, Vital Discipline Spread


Order the Tarot Bargain of the Century…

All 78 Life Mapping spreads for $7.80 USD!

Click here to order Your set at The Divination Studio

and your 78 Life Mapping Spread Collection will be emailed to you.  Depending on where you are in the world, please allow 12 to 24 hours for delivery to account for time zone differences as I personally email every order myself.  

Thanks and All the Best,


Author of Tarot in the Land of Mystereum


Posted by on July 29, 2013 in The Mystery


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